Our Favorite Things | March Edition | Martine

These are just some of the tangible items that are part of my favorite things from the past month. It’s been the most insane 30 days,  and even so, there are moments and items I have treasured.  So, starting top left and going to the right.

  1. A picture from a recent wedding I turned into a comic illustration. It was totally a labor of love and so much fun.
  2. A figurine I 3D printed and painted for my 11 year old. It’s a weeb thing, as he likes to put it. But this makes my list because he loved it so much.
  3. The current puzzle I’m working on. It’s ridiculously difficult which is perfect since I have every evening at home to work on it!
  4. The two bottom items are a watercolor I did as practice recently and a sketch. I used to paint and draw a lot before photography took its place as my passion. And in the past year I picked up where I left off. Relearning a lot and gaining new skills.
  5. There are a few intangible things that made it to my list too.
    • The entire styled shoot at foxglove that we have yet to share.
    • My daughter and her amazing voice that fills my house every day.
    • The opportunity I have to teach my kids, even though at times i want to go and drop them off with their teachers.

I hope you all get to take some time to contemplate what your own favorite things are from this last month. Especially since for the first time in a long while, time is suddenly something we have in abundance.

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